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About us

we are different

We see ourselves as pioneers, lateral thinkers - because we allow ourselves dark roasts in the modern small roasting scene. However, we are not advocates of the old Italian school either. The modern espresso is neither green nor black.

because it is right

The perfect balance between bitterness, sweetness and acidity is the most important indicator of quality. This also determines the score of the raw beans. Only a harmony allows our palate to taste different aromas.

of conviction

The third wave is not to our liking. Multi-faceted coffee doesn't have to be sour. No, he mustn't be angry! The much too much emphasized fruitiness of the beans masks the many aromas. Lemon or chocolate?

of passion

We only roast fair trade specialty coffee. Due to the particularly gentle roasting temperature below 200 ° C, the aromas are locked instead of burning. We select our beans very carefully and know their character like a mother knows her child. Less assortment than others, but with conviction.

together with you

Our focus is on the latte art. With our Barista course - for beginners we enable you to easily get started in the world of coffee and how to prepare it correctly. Our catering partners are constantly trained and looked after, so that we can guarantee consistently high quality.
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